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Our glitch text generator allows you to create creepy text designs for your online profiles. This unique style of text, often referred to as “Zalgo” text, is characterized by its eerie, unsettling appearance, comprising characters superimposed with additional symbols or letters.
Just enter your name or text in the generator and watch as it transforms into a spooky, glitchy version. You can copy and paste this new text onto your social media accounts or use it for any other digital project.
Glitch Text Generator

Here are some examples:
Bae | Darling | Sweete | Cutie patootie | Kiddo |
Bฬถฬฒอฬฬฬอฬอaฬดฬชฬซฬฏฬฝฬอbฬธออฬฬฬอฬฬeฬทฬปฬฃฬคฬฐอฬบฬฬฎอฬพฬฬอฬฬ | Dฬดฬขฬฉฬบฬฎฬบฬฬฬฬออรฃฬทฬกอฬอฬ ฬ อฬณฬฒฬบฬ ฬฝฬฬฬฬฬฬแนฬดฬฬญฬฬชฬญฬอฬฑฬฬฬฟlฬทฬขฬชฬฬฆฬอฬฉฬฅออแปฬดฬคฬณฬปอฬฉฬฬฬฬฬฝฬฬฬฬอnฬทฬอฬคออฬฒอฬฬอฬฬฬgฬธฬชฬซฬ อฬณอฬฒฬ | Sฬตฬคฬฌฬซฬwฬทฬงออฬพฬฬฬฬฤฬถฬฉฬออeฬดฬออฬฬฟฬฬฬฬฬtฬทฬนฬฆอฬฬซฬฏฬฬฌฬฆฬฬฬฬออแธฏฬทฬฬฬฬอฬฬฬฬอ ฤฬถฬบฬชอฬคฬฉอฬณฬ อ | ฤฬดฬฬนฬบฬฐฬบฬบฬผฬฬฉฬฒฬอฬฬฬฬฬฬ อuฬถออฬฃฬฐฬชฬอฬฬฝฬฬฬออtฬดฬกอฬฆฬฑฬฌอฬออฬอฬแธฏฬดฬฑฬฏฬฑฬฬฬฬฬอฬฬฬฬอ eฬดฬฎฬฬอฬ ฬทฬกอฬฎฬชฬฌฬฬฬณฬอฬอฬฬอ pฬตฬฬฐฬฑออฬฝอฬอฬฬออ ฤ ฬธฬฉอฬฬฅฬนฬฬอฬฬออออtฬทฬขฬฬฑอฬฃฬ ฬนอฬฏฬอฬฬฬ ฬอ oฬธฬฬฬฅฬอฬฬผฬคอoฬตฬอฬบอฬฬ ฬฝฬฬฬฬอ อtฬถฬฬฑอฬฬอฬฎออออฬฬฬฬรฌฬถฬขฬฬออฬฑฬณฬอฬฬฬฬฬฬออeฬดฬอฬอฬอฬฬฬ | Kฬดฬอฬฑฬฬฎฬฎฬฉอฤซฬดฬฬบอฬฬฎอฬฏฬฃฬอฬฬdฬธอฬอฬอแธฬตฬนฬฆฬบอฬฬฬฬออแปฬทฬบอฬฅฬฬอ |
Zalgo/Glitch Remover
With the Zalgo Remover (Glitch Remover), you can easily convert your Glitch Text/Zalgo Text to plain text. To do so, paste the glitch text into the box, hit the Convert Now button, and it will be auto-converted into plain text.
Enter Zalgo Text/Glitch Text Here
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